5 Reasons To Study Abroad
1 Travel at a fraction of the cost
In your teens and 20s you are eligible for lots of scholarships. Travel is much
cheaper thanks to student discounts on lodging, transportation, tours and
museum entrance fees. Many of these discounts discontinue after age 26.
2 Pimp your resumé
Study abroad experiences set you apart from the pack in a competitive job
market. Skills like a second language, cultural sensitivity, interpersonal
communication and adaptability to multicultural situations are increasingly
important in today’s global economy.
3 Become a global citizen
Be prepared to meet people from different backgrounds who question your
beliefs and values. Don’t be afraid to defend yourself, but be open to other
perspectives. It will help you develop cultural sensitivity and you are likely to
learn more about your own identity and culture.
4 Grow your international friend network
Friendships are one of the most valuable things you bring back with you
from your time abroad. In a world where social credibility is the new currency,
what others have to say about you matters. The more friends you have in
more locations, the better prepared you are for a future life abroad.
5 Live in the moment
Be open to new experiences, influences and people. You may discover a
new career calling or passion while enjoying half a year on vacation and
earning college credits. Wouldn’t you say it’s worth the gamble?