GirlGI | Girl Gone International GirlGI Issue 2 | Page 101

Lizzie Shh
4 Top Tips for Giving Birth Abroad

Lizzie Shh

Despite this , I felt confident in my own ability to give birth , no matter where or with whom . My main concern was staying in control , not being overly interfered with ; arriving at the hospital 6cm dilated certainly helped ! I gave birth to my baby boy an hour later , lying on my back in a drug-free , normal delivery .

4 Top Tips for Giving Birth Abroad

1 . YOU are the one giving birth ; if you know you can do it , then the rest is just details . Try Hypnotherapy CDs .
2 . In your first weeks , say ‘ Yes ’ to every opportunity to meet people and build your support system .
3 . Join a baby group before you give birth .
4 . Look into the passport implications of your child being born abroad . Our son is entitled to a UK passport , but we just found out his children won ’ t be unless they are born back in the UK .
Follow Lizzie ’ s blog about life in Jamaica at www . hotexpatmummy . com