African Cuisine:
The African cuisine is a beautiful concoction of
tropical fruits and vegetables as well as the exotic
seafood varieties.
Central African cuisine is influenced by the plants
grown in the region which chiefly include plantains,
cassava, spinach stew, peppers, chilies, onions, okra,
ginger and peanut butter. Meat preparations
containing crocodile, monkey, warthog and antelopes
are also found at times.
The East African cuisine rarely features meat forms
and includes corn, rice, saffron, cloves, cinnamon,
tomatoes, pineapple, orange, lemon and bananas.
The North African cuisine owing to the Turkish
influence has inclusion of several popular pastries
and other bakery items. The southern Africa, owing
to its Malay influence includes spicy chutneys and
curries and marinated kebabs and sweets savories
in its cuisine.
West African meal includes a large number of starchy
items and a relatively less number of meat products.