October 2013 EDITORS LETTER Special thanks to photographer Kevin Chappell for this spectacular photo. Our Anti-bullying photo shoot was super fun and energizing to delete those bullies for good. October stands for many things... by Lauren Galley October is finally here!! When you’re a girl from Texas you know the arrival of fall means cooler temps and less humidity! September was amazing and filled with so many wonderful memories. My trip to meet Rebecca Moore, AP of McAuley High and her girls was one amazing experience. I loved meeting all the girls and sharing a dose of “Girl Power” in Cinci! September brought Merel Bakker to my hometown and I have to say she is one amazing mentor that I am truly blessed to know. Now that October is upon us, most of us think of Halloween, fall leaves, and cool weather. One very important message in October is Anti-Bullying month. We all hear this message over and over but do we really stop to think how our negative words and actions can last a lifetime for those who are vulnerable. Girls are mean and this is just one of the reasons why I created Girls Above Society. I believe that girls should be empowered to support one another instead of tearing each other down. Confidence is a huge factor and helps lessen the hurt we allow others to place on us. Bullies are insecure, jealous, or just plain mean. One way to stop them is to be confident enough to ignore their messages and continue to believe in yourself for who you are and the great qualities you have to share with others. I’m not saying it’s easy but it can be deleted if we all have the “Girl Power”. I am super excited for you to read through this issue. The positive feel is guaranteed to energize your confidence and get moving towards your goals and dreams. The Lauren Galley show has a new set with a fun look and amazing panel of awesome mentors that will make you laugh and get you thinking more about being a Girl Above Society. See the latest episode on CETV via my website. What are you going to be for Halloween? I am so excited to reveal my costume on The Lauren Galley Show on Halloween! Stay tuned and don’t be afraid to get a dose of “GIRL POWER” XOXO