People are not fat! You are not fat! They/you may have an excess
amount of or a redundancy of fatty tissue, but they/you are not
folks have
muscles, bones
and most of all
feelings, just
like those who
are not
It may seem like a matter of
semantics in which I am
speaking, but people have
to begin thinking differently
if they are to overcome
their shortcomings.
Overweight family: you are
not fat. You have fat on you
yes, but you are an angel,
sent from God with
purpose. You have the
ability within you to
accomplish so much more
than you have. It starts with
getting your health right,
then being used to help
others. If you are able to
accomplish those things,
then the sky is the limit. All
you have to do is be
determined about being the
best you that you can be.
Don’t be a victim of the
identity that society ha