Mixing it up with Montana! I’m really good at singing and I am involved in choir at my school. Some of the girls in my choir class are really nice to me, but I have reason to believe they are talking behind my back. I think they are nice in class because they want to get picked for certain choir events and they think if they are close to me, they will be picked also. What should I do? deliver because it will finally be up to them to show - Nicole of PA their true and they won’t have the talent you do. Karma always has a way of coming around, even if Hey Nicole! This is a great question, one that I it isn’t when you hope it would work or in the way have fought with for a while. The way I used to you hope it does. handle it is to go about my day as I would, just to do Be you. As long as you are being yourself, that is my own thing. all that is worth it. People will try to take advantage I was always the smart, sometimes a teacher’s of what your special abilities are, no matter if they pet, so I would have people hope that I would help are singing or academics. them with their homework or classwork just by Stay true to yourself and it will all work out in sitting near me. I wouldn’t let it bother me because I the end for yourself. knew I kept up in the class because I love to learn and it was something I was genuinely interested in it. You can’t control what others say about you, as Stay strong, beautiful Girls Above Society! much as I know I wish I could sometimes. The only thing you can do is control how you handle it. As Montana long as you are genuine to yourself and keep doing what you are doing, everything will be great. Sure, those girls may be picked for something because they are standing next to you, but when it comes to them performing, they won’t be able to “You create your own opportunities! Go for what you want, not what others want for you.”