Look at a variety of pages. Just as you
shouldn’t jump into a conversation you
haven’t been listening to, you shouldn’t start
uploading photos and expecting followers
without first getting a sense of what the community values.
basketball? Look up
your favorite player.
“Popular” tab, you
Big fan of local punk
can check out what
rock? Check out the
popular users are
feeds of some bands
posting on Instagram
in your city.
and use their shots
for inspiration.
Search for users
with similar interests.
Follow “Suggested
If you’re a jewelry
Users” by selecting
maker, search
“Find Friends” >
through the hashtags
”Suggested Users”.
for jewelry buzzwords.
Following users
If you’re a big hiker,
that have similar
search for pics of
interests to you may
someone’s latest trail
encourage them to
follow you in return.
* Listed under the
* Pay attention to
* Search hashtags what kinds of photos
or users for the kinds
these users post.
of pictures you’re
What seem to be the
interested in. Like
most popular?
Make sure your profile is complete with an
avatar that shows your face and a solid bio.
It’s important that people know who you are
and what you’re interested in.
a photograph, this is
perfectly acceptable.
most personal way
However, using
to go for an avatar
random graphics
is a photograph of
or images as your
your face looking
avatar can give the
straight into the lens.
impression of a face
Avoid funny angles or
or spam account,
having anything else
so they are not
in the photo. Crop
it into a square, but
don’t shrink it down.
Many people will
You want people to
read your Twitter
be able to click on
bio before deciding
it and see the larger
whether to follow
you. A good written
bio can help you get
If you own a
much more followers
company and want
than a poorly written
to use your brand as
your avatar instead of
* The simplest and
Have a life outside of Facebook. Facebook is a way to keep others in your life, not a way to create a
life, so go out and have yours, in full dimension. Facebook isn’t proof that you have friends––friends
need real life interaction, not stacking up in a list. Checking your Facebook and keeping your profile
up to date are one thing, so don’t spend all your time on what should be a tool you use wisely.
Similar to any other teen,
I love catching up on the
latest celebrity news. We
are sucked into the perfectly
written teaser headline and
BOOM, we are believing
every word written. If you’re
a huge fan you have taken
this information and added
another quality or feature to
your hero superstar. Okay,
now let’s rewind. Every teen
has their favorite celebrity,
musician or sports hero. Of
course we all know being
able to meet these icons is
only a dream that replays
in our heads over and over
while the story keeps getting
increasingly better of what
would take place if we
actually met. We “create”
our own version of what we
the cutting of the mold. We
hear about publicists posting
on social media on behalf
of their famous clients, and
unless you’ve been living
under a rock, you know
this is necessary in the
entertainment business. We
understand and we forgive
while we ever so slightly want
to believe all of their tweets,
Instagram and Facebook
posts were posted by our
crush’s fingertips especially if
we are one of the few lucky
enough to get a “re-tweet” or
a “like”.
and mirrors effect. After
reading Joe Jonas’ essay in
New York Magazine, I feel a
bit betrayed that I never really
knew the “real” Joe Jonas.
I may have liked them even
more had I seen the trials
and tribulations they faced
on their road to success.
The exposure of a celebrity’s
humanness creates a
connection between them
and their fans. In my opinion,
Joe’s revelation of smoking
weed and drinking alcohol is
nothing terrible and actually
very normal for his age
at the time. So what if he
I can’t help but wonder
explored being a teen? In
why fame and fortune is
this millennial generation I
equivalent to smoke and
feel it’s even more important
mirrors. When I was younger to share our experiences
I was a fan of the Jonas
and how it has affected us. I
believe everyone, especially
role models and celebrities,
should make every effort to
lead by a positive example.
We are human, we make
believe our celebrity crush
Brothers. I believed everything mistakes and we learn
would be like through bits
they said and loved the fact from them. The media
of information, photos, and
they were such respectful
and publicists are creating
videos we see via social
young men who had great
“avatars” with their “smoke
media and television. This
morals and values. I’m not
and mirrors effect.” Whatever
information we have compiled sure I thought they were
happened to true, real-life
becomes our very own
extremely talented as singers, heroes? I’ve never learned
character. This process
but I liked their positive and
from someone who was
kind of reminds me of how
clean style. Now that I am
perfect... Thank you