HAPPY NEW YEAR! It is officially
2014 and I will be the first to say
that 2013 was the most exciting
rollercoaster I could have ever
asked for. Girls Above Society has
made HUGE leaps and bounds in
only a year, by traveling the United
States and expanding our online
presence more than ever. The
possibilities for this coming year
seem infinite, which is both exciting
and scary. It is common to view the
New Year as a time to change and
improve, but I encourage you all
to continue doing what makes you
happy. My New Years’ Resolution
is to have a smile on my face as
much as possible this year. What’s
Girl Power, as you can see,
has gotten a MAJOR facelift. Our
incredible new editor, Cameron
Chamblee, is beyond talented, but
I don’t need to tell you that. I will
let his work speak for itself. I took
the New Year as an opportunity to
make some improvements, and
Cameron was the first person I
called. I am beyond thankful for
his hard work and dedication to
Girl Power, and everything else he
commits to. All of the wonderful
individuals v