f the
or o
down whatever’s in
your head.
only way I survived it
was to become a tad
rebellious. Looking
back on it now I think
that was a defence
mechanism. All I was
really trying to do was
carve out an identity
for myself that would
survive the rigours of
the boarding school
MP // Absolutely
not! I came from a
small country town
in Australia and went
to boarding school
when I was 11. It
was a terrible jolt for
me from the quiet
and carefree farm
life. I spent most of
my time there feeling
displaced and unsure
of myself. There
was a very defined
hierarchy between
the younger and older
girls and it wasn’t a
nurturing environment
at all. Quite the
opposite. I think the
LG * When you
were in high
school were you
always confident?
If your answer is
no, how did this
affect your school
experience? If your
answer is yes,
how did you come
about gaining this
LG * How do
you feel about
the fast physical
progression of
teen dating in
today’s society
and how does this
compare to your
MP // There’s been
a communication
revolution since I
was a teen. There
is no doubt we
weren’t bombarded
with the same level
of sexualisation of
young girls as there
is in the media now.
Marianne de Pierres
How girls and boys
should look, act, be, is so
prescribed for Millennium
teens. The pressure
must be enormous! Also,
our mistakes weren’t
publicised all over social
But having said that, at
the more intimate level of
one-on-one relationships,
I don’t think a lot has
changed. It was awkward
sometimes, and joyous
sometimes, and plain old
confusing at others.
LG * Writing can be
good for the soul. How
can we encourage
more girls to join in on
the art of writing, even
if their goal is not to
become an author?
MP // I would encourage
teens to play around
with words. Writing is
not only a healthy way
to work through your
problems but writing
stories for yourself or
others can be a great
way to find escape from
the pressures of everyday
life. When I write, I fall into
other worlds where I get
to say what happens.
Write on your phone, your
tablet, in your diary. When
you’ve got a few minutes
here or there, just jot
MP // I’m not sure
that I’ve really had
a mentor – maybe
that’s why mentoring
LG * I have been
others is so important
extremely blessed
to me. There have
to have amazing
been some significant
mentors in my life.
people in my life
In today’s society,
though, who have
many teen girls
helped me through
are idolizing some
the worst times. My
MP // Exercise is
not so positive
brother and sister
celebrities. You are the answer for me.
(and sister-in-law
an amazing mentor There’s nothing like
and brother-in-law)
that really gets the a run, walk, game
are at the very top
of sport or visit to
teen perspective.
of that list, and I
the gym to change
What qualities
can’t imagine my life
would you suggest your mindset. But
without them – as
really anything that
a teen girl look
both my parents
for in a mentor?
passed away
several years ago.
When I was at
MP // Firstly,
university as an
Lauren, thank you!
I’m honoured to
a mature age
be part of what
student there
YOU are doing
mentored me for
in some small
a little bit, but she
way. That’s not an
became ill. When
easy question to
I went back to
BURNING BRIGHT Marianne de Pierres writes from her
answer though.
heart, combining her memories of being a teenager and
study as a postIf I was looking
throws them against a backdrop where one can get lost and grad, I met another
for a mentor
just dream. (Perfect reading material for the winter break.)
wonderful woman
I would value
who taught me about
in the story are all
honesty, integrity and gets your focus off
struggling to emerge professionalism and
yourself. Having a
compassion. You
focus. Nowadays,
into adulthood, but
bad day is all tied
want a mentor who
I coach a girl’s
in the absence of
is kind but still able to up with your own
support and direction basketball team and
be honest with you. ego. Go think about
mentor as many
they have to learn
Mentoring is also as someone else or
writers and young
how to survive and
much about support something else!
make good choices people as I can. If I
as it advice. It’s
LG * I know your
can inspire or support
by themselves.
important for young
books are fantasy,
anyone of them then
people to know they but are there any
I’m doing the thing I
are not alone and that personal elements
LG * Who is your
value the most.
mentor and why
someone has got
or experiences
did you choose
their back.
hidden in the
LG * When you are
having a bad day
and nothing seems
to be going your
way, what actions
do you take to
end the day on a
positive note?
MP // I write
crime, fantasy,
science fiction and
children’s books.
There is always a
little part of me or
my experiences in
everything I write, but
a lot of it is made up
as well. The Night
Creatures series
(Burn Bright, Angel
Arias and Shine
Light) however, is
a reflection of the
emotional roller
coaster I felt as a
teenager. The teens