The year 2013 has come to a close and we look to the year 2014. I love the start of a New
Year, because it gives us a chance to start over, to start fresh. Do you set goals? Do you have
dreams that you hope will come true this year? What are you hoping for? If you don’t set goals
for the year or haven’t thought about it, let me help you get started. Here are four of my favorites:
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Get Happier
This is a little more of an abstract
resolution that can mean different things to
different people. See if you can find ways
to just spend more time doing things that
you love instead of things that make you
feel bad about yourself. Look in the mirror
every morning and say, “I am beautiful,
I am confident, and I believe in me.” If
you tell yourself this every day in 2014, I
promise you will see your confidence grow
in leaps and bounds. When you begin to
believe in yourself, confidence naturally
sets in.
Learn Something New
This year, take a couple of deep breaths
and resolve to be a little nicer to them. It’s
hard as a teenager, because you can’t
believe someone has ever felt the way
you have felt or gone through what you
have gone through. Remember, you can
choose your friends, but not your family.
Show a little love and you may see a side
of them you have never seen before.
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Being a good person - by donating your
time or old stuff to those in need, or
just by throwing some random acts of
kindness into your daily routine (feels so
good that it can be addictive). Throw a
smile to a stranger when you walk into a
store. Remember to THINK before you
speak, text, or type. When you THINK is
it… True | Helpful | Inspiring | Necessary |
Kind? You’ll be helping yourself be a better
Love your Family
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Be a Better Person
There is nothing more thrilling than the
feeling of finally “getting something.” How
about putting some of that holiday money
towards learning a new hobby? You might
just learn a skill that you’ll love for the rest
of your life. You may even inspire others
as you learn something new!
Are you in? Are you ready to start 2014 and make it a year that is drama free? A year filled
of love? A year where we see teens and adults inspired by your kindness, because you THINK
and you’re confident! Find a friend who can help inspire you to reach your goals and dreams.
It’s easier to get rid of old habits and last year’s baggage if you have a friend or even a mentor
to guide you. Make the year 2014 your best year ever. You are on your way!
from Rebecca Moore