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Cameron Chamblee
Instagram & Twitter: @cameronchamblee
Lauren Galley
Cylk Cozart
Gary Kreitz
Editor’s Letter
February, such an amazing month. I
currently don’t have someone significant
in my life, but I don’t let that get me
down. The right one just hasn’t come
along yet. I’ve been told that usually love
finds us when we least expect it, that’s
part of the beauty of it. I’m imagining
myself walking along the streets of Paris
under the streetlamps with my soulmate
and I meeting for the first time under a
chance encounter. I’m such a hopeless
romantic, don’t judge me!
two little girls - Layla and Mya and how
dreams and hard work is something
that can start at any age. I may have
to invest in some Suga Babes myself,
especially this winter!
This issue is all about loving yourself just
the way you are. Yes, it’s important to
show others how much you can care
and love them, but the most important
thing is to love yourself. This Valentine’s
Day regardless if you are single or have
a significant other make time to smile
and look in the mirror and be happy at
February represents many different
things to all of us. It gives us an excuse the reflection that’s looking back. It’s a
to be compassionate and care for other beautiful one. Love yourself, love others
and above all with a little bit of faith and
people. I am a huge gift giver myself,
hope anything is possible. Enjoy the
and Lauren has done an amazing job
compiling a little inspiration gift guide
which is in these pages! Also in the
magazine, we learn how to prepare and PS - If you’re reading this and want to
get ready for our date night with Heather be my Valentine, I am such a fan of rose
Nixon, we learn the do’s and don’ts on macaroons, cupcakes from Sprinkles
(my favorite cupcakery), and anything
how to properly exercise with Braxton
and something that stood out to me in chocolate. Just dropping a few hints.
this issue was how inspired I was from Haha.
Cameron Chamblee
Rachel Briones Garcia
Girl Power.