Girl Child Education 1 | Page 6



'The Best Dowry that Parents can ever give to

their daughter is 'Education'

So what can anybody expect from the uneducated masses , whose only form of education is tradition.

When a girl is married, she brings joy and prosperity to her home, but inspire this she is tortured by the members of her family.In this what we call a male dominant society girls are given no respect but only torture and struggle for her whole life. Inspite of repenting , parents should

'' Education is the key that unlocks an infinite number of doors. It is the uplifting force that empowers us to set out sights higher.'

The dowry system is so deeply rooted in India, culture that sometimes one feels that there's going to be no way out at least for another century.When demands for dowry are not met , the bride is subjected to torture & often even killed.Even modern, well educated families start saving up money for their daughter's dowry as soon as she is born.