– all my days are in your hands , O Lord . I told God , If I die after all this , God , it doesn ’ t make you look very good .” On the outside , Malcolm was stoic , but what no one knew was that he was still realistic – he made end-of-life plans to make sure his family was taken care of if he did not make it . Former city councilman and businessman Brian Cunningham who has known Malcolm for many years said , “ Even when Malcolm almost died , he was always thinking of others ”. Malcolm encouraged those who were concerned for his health that they should have faith and accept what they must . His faith was unwavering . “ Everyone could see that the harder it got , the stronger Malcolm ’ s faith was !” Cunningham shared .
In 2003 , Malcolm was finally “ drug-free ” and within a year , he started to feel normal . “ I started to dream again .” He spoke of a surge of tremendous amount of hope , “ I had a wife to enjoy life with , kids to raise and I still had a church to build !”
Man ’ s goodness is a flame that can be hidden but never extinguished . When Malcolm recovered , he was more than a flame , his energy was like a lightning that brightened the skies . Cunningham shared , “ When he recovered , he came back with renewed energy . He was such an inspiration – he attracted many to his church . Malcolm was a symbol of renewal , of faith , of leadership because of his living example .” Tom Cline from Morgan Hill , who had been a parishioner at the New Hope Community Church , said , “ The thing is , Malcolm was the same no matter what . Even when he was ill , he was always into the community . He was always consistent in what he stood for . He always had a way of connecting with people , especially those who are hurting . When he recovered , he was even better at that . He knew how to get where people in pain are and meet them where they ’ re at . Very powerful . He is remarkable .”
Malcolm MacPhail has served as Chaplain for the Gilroy Police Department and the Gilroy Fire Department . “ It didn ’ t matter whether he was in pain or not , as Chaplain , he was really there for people who were victims of crimes , and for people who were in pain because of a crime a loved one committed . Imagine being able to set aside your own pain to comfort others . That ’ s Malcolm !” says Cunningham .
Mayor Don Gage took time off his busy schedule to share his thoughts on Malcolm . The first time he was Mayor of Gliroy was from 1991 to 1997 and in his first year , Gilroy experienced its first drive-by shooting . “ Malcolm was one of the church members who stepped forward to work with the Police Department to figure out what we can do to prevent crimes .” Like many others , the mayor considers it an honor to call him a friend . Now the mayor of Gilroy again , Mayor Gage appreciates Malcolm ’ s continued loyalty and dedication to Gilroy and others . What does he appreciate most about Malcolm ? Mayor Gage had a long list but said , “… most of all , I appreciate his deep faith in the Lord . It is what drives him . He is there for anything and everything that he is needed for , whether he has health challenges or not . If he can stand , he will help . He doesn ’ t quit . He is focused on three things : God first , his family second , and the community . An honest , dependable loyal man , even when things looked dim … and he had more challenges than anyone I have known … his faith was strong , he focused on others . Even if you did not have faith , you would be inspired by Malcolm ’ s strength and focus .”
Malcolm still deals with some challenges but he is vibrant and full of vigor and life . His faith remains unshakeable . As Mayor Gage says , “ he knows he is still where he is needed , he has a lot more to accomplish .”
Fast forward to 19.5 years later - how is Malcolm these days ? “ I feel like the best years are still ahead of me !” Malcolm is truly living his life to the fullest – giving more than ever through his Church , passionately contributing to the community and being the great husband and father he has always been . ( He and his wife recently celebrated their 30th anniversary !) His blue eyes twinkle as he shares his advice for the rest of us : “ Your best years are still ahead of you . Find a way to serve someone else . Your life has a purpose . Look inside yourself and find the positive . When life gets too rough , seek out support .”
Maya Angelou once said , “ You may not control all the events that happen to you , but you can decide not to be reduced by them .” Malcolm met his challenges with his unwavering trust in God , his unyielding desire and motivation to live to be with those he loved , his unflappable determination , and indescribable courage . He got bold with life .
Let Malcolm ’ s story remind you not to be reduced by your challenges . Get bold like he did .
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