too many at one time , you might have difficulty walking the next day ! As you get more fit , you can add more sets to your squat routine .
Add A Cool-Down Period After Exercise
It ’ s important for the body to cool down after running . The best way is to walk at a medium pace until your heart-rate returns to normal .
Stretch After Running
It ’ s a good practice to stretch after running because it keeps your body flexible . If you follow the 10 points above , you will become a runner – without feeling like a failure . Remember that you can start running at any age .
If you follow these 10 tips , you will get into the swing of running . Soon you will feel your body tone up and slim down in response to the exercise . Best of all , you ’ ll begin to feel confident , healthy , and attractive .
Join In And Experience The High
The South Valley Running Club is a non-profit 501 ( c )( 3 ) corporation formed to promote running for health , fitness , and fun .
Members live in the South Santa Clara County area , primarily in Gilroy , Morgan Hill , San Martin , and Hollister . They have a monthly calendar which includes weekday and weekend runs , socials , monthly meetings , and races .
The club is geared to supporting runners of all fitness and skill levels ; from the first time joggers to the elite individuals . Mentoring programs pair new members with more seasoned runners providing a nurturing and supportive environment for all new members .
The club provides numerous weekday and weekend scheduled runs that are set up so that faster or slower individuals can get a fullfilling workout , while being able to still interact , talk and socialize with other club members .
Additional information available online at www . svrchome . org
Paint Our Town Purple
Relay For Life Planners Announce Purple Ribbon Celebration
FROM SATURDAY JUNE 1st – FRIDAY JUNE 21st , Gilroy will be awash in purple , thanks to efforts by volunteers from the American Cancer Society ’ s annual Relay For Life , a community campout against cancer . Throughout Gilroy , residents , stores , and businesses will “ Paint Our Town Purple ” to celebrate cancer survivorship and bring attention to the yearly Relay For Life of Gilroy event , which will be held on Saturday June 22nd – Sunday June 23rd ( 10am-10am ) at the Christmas Hill Park Ranch Site ( 7049 Miller Avenue ).
Using the power of purple , organizers hope to bring good news to cancer survivors and mobilize the community . Paint Our Town Purple is a time to celebrate the lives of cancer survivors , and to have some fun with the color purple to bring attention to the American Cancer Society ’ s many programs and services in our community . The American Cancer Society invites everyone to join the fun . Whether you are a homeowner , a restaurateur , or a retail business operator / owner , there are plenty of ideas for painting our town purple on June 1st :
• Decorate your home or store windows with a purple display .
• Hold a street contest for the Best Purple Window Display .
• Encourage businesses and stores to sell Relay For Life “ Sun ” and “ Moon ” cards .
• Display a purple yard sign in your front yard .
• Decorate your front entrance , your fence , or your door with purple balloons .
• Paint your porch light purple or insert a purple bulb .
• Tie purple ribbons around trees in your neighborhood .
• Wear purple clothing .
• Buy and wear our purple wrist bands .
• Create a mock Relay For Life campsite .
• Decorate the exterior of your home , business all purple .
Join in the spirit of celebration and in painting our town purple to call awareness to this important event that works to benefit and recognize cancer patients , their families and their caregivers . The American Cancer Society Relay For Life represents the hope that those lost to cancer will never be forgotten , that those who face cancer will be supported , and that one day cancer will be eliminated .
Information about how to form a team or become involved in Relay For Life of Gilroy is available on the Relay For Life homepage at www . relayforlife . org / gilroyca . Like the Relay For Life Facebook page at www . facebook . com / gilroyrelay or E-mail Manuel Haro at mharogilroyrelayforlife @ gmail . com or call 408.665.5020
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