Gilroy Today 2013 06 Summer | Seite 3


Published By : InfoPOWER Communications 7446 Rosanna Street / Gilroy , CA 95020
Telephone : 408.848.6540 Email : jchris @ gilroytoday . com
EDITOR J . Chris Mickartz
COPYWRITING Larry & J . Chris Mickartz Kelly Barbazette Elizabeth Barratt Stephanie Vegh Sam Bozzo Mel Rodinsky Laura Wrede Debbie Hoey
PHOTOGRAPHY Larry J . Mickartz
PROOFING Susan Patereau Kelly Barbazette


CONTRIBUTORS Aging Dorie U . Sugay Finance Jeffrey M . Orth , ChFC , CASL Insurance David Villar The Kids Corner Go Kids Inc . Real Estate Marta Dinsmore Commercial Real Estate George Renz Secondary Education Gavilan College Tourism Jane Howard
WEBSITE Susan Patereau DISTRIBUTION Glenita Gordon

From the Editor

Iam so excited . We have been publishing Gilroy Today for the past seven years . Hard to believe that it ’ s been that long but then as I always say “ time passes , whether you ’ re having fun or not . So you may as well have fun .” J . Chris Mickartz And fun is what Larry , my husband and partner , and I have been having . It has been such a pleasure getting to know our community in such an intimate way . And , we are so fortunate to be able to work on something we really love .

So , having said that , it probably won ’ t surprise too many people that we have decided to celebrate our seven years ( we call it our Seven Year Itch thing ) by starting a new magazine , Morgan Hill Today . We hope to provide the community of Morgan Hill with a publication that they will embrace as wholeheartedly as all of you have embraced Gilroy Today . The first issue of Morgan Hill Today will be available mid-July .
Larry really enjoyed following the footsteps of our Four Amigos as they walked the El Camino de Santiago in Spain . He interviewed them before they left and after they came home , followed their blogs while they were walking The Way , researched their steps and I think he basically lived vicariously through them for the past 25 days . I have a funny hunch that he would have loved to have been right there with them ( see pages 46-49 ).
What a great addition to Gilroy ! I had no idea that Community Solutions was as big an organization as it is and I ’ m so proud that they chose to make Gilroy their corporate home ( see pages 22-24 ). I attended their latest fundraiser , Hearts of Gilroy , up at Eagle Ridge and as usual , it was very well organized and just a wonderful event for all us women who wouldn ’ t miss it each year .
I ’ d like to welcome our newest writer , Laura Wrede , to our Gilroy Today family . Laura will be covering the arts in the area for us . She is an amazing writer , artist and photographer ( see Art In The Park , pages 16-17 ).
Do you know who the leaders of the Gilroy Garlic Festival are ? Well , check out Thirty Five Years of Leadership equals Thirty Five Summers of Fun , written by my favorite employee , Sam Bozzo ( see pages 56-58 ). I had to call him an employee because he always calls me “ Boss .” He ’ s such a joy to work with .
I could go on and on but I ’ m sure you want to dig into the following pages so I ’ ll sign off with a wish for all of you to have an amazing summer . Speaking of which , don ’ t miss the 50 Things To Do With Your Child This Summer list on page 54 .
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S U M M E R 2 0 1 3 G I L R O Y T O D A Y 3