kind , cheerful , friendly , and grateful . It was amazing to see a place where such a standard was consistently met . The bonds of friendship and the closeness of the community truly make Sri Ram Ashram a paradise on Earth . – Daniel Fust
After the speeches and thank yous had been made , we had a giant dance party . It was one of the best times I have ever had . Everyone danced ; the youngsters , the teachers , the students , the boys , the girls . For over an hour , somehow , the cultural differences blended together in a perfect mix of character , personality , self-expression , and pure enjoyment . I have always thought that music and art are the most powerful ways to bridge differences . In that courtyard we were just people ; fun loving , joyous , laughing people . – Amber Zeise
To read more , visit the students ’ blog at
www . santacruzlive . com / blogs / mtmadonna /. You are also invited you to visit ethicality . org and
wallofkindness . org to see some of the work that has already been started .
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