James Dent is the Principal and Co-founder of the Gilroy Prep School , a charter school located on IOOF Avenue . For James , it is all about learning . James has a strong record of advancing learning wherever he has been . At Gilroy Prep School , he continues that record . This year , Gilroy Prop has students in grades kinder to second grade . There is an annual lottery for new incoming students .
He redefines his Educator of the Year Award as the Gilroy Prep School Team of the Year Award . In the business community we often find business people who have a laser focus on making money . James Dent seems to have that same laser focus on getting kids to learn .
While James lives in Prundale , he claims to be very much a Central Coast kind of a guy and has worked in several neighboring communities . He notes that Gilroy has a unique degree of sophistication and tremendous community support . He relishes the diversity of the student body at Gilroy Prep with students from 10 different countries .
Donna Pray is the Executive Director of the Gilroy Foundation and one of only three employees . The Foundation has over $ 8.5 million in assets . Last year , grants and scholarships totaled $ 432,000 . In the past 30 years , the Foundation has moved over $ 2 million back into the community . The Gilroy Foundation partners with the more well know Silicon Valley Community Foundation with over $ 2 billion in assets .
Donna acknowledges that Gilroy is a small town of 50,000 people , with a unique sense of community .
Donna hopes that this award will lead to more awareness of the Foundation and encourage people to “ Give Where You Live .” Contributions to the Foundation come in all sizes . The smallest one she can remember was for $ 10 , the largest $ 1 million .
If you want to know who ’ s who in Gilroy and if you want to attend the best party in town , be sure to get a ticket to the annual fundraiser . The 24th annual Day in the Country , will be held Saturday , September 14 , 2013 at the Gilroy Elks ’ Lodge on the Hill .
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