Due to current appreciation trends in the real estate market and federal and state tax increases , Tax |
take place within a dictated period , with the value of one property covering ( contributing to ) the purchase of another . Any exchange |
Deferred Exchanges , also known as 1031 |
requires strategy , trust , and a team who |
Exchanges , are reviving in popularity . |
understand how to work within the rules of the |
If you have real estate holdings you wish |
chosen exchange type . |
to sell and repurchase without paying taxes |
There are many reasons for pursuing a |
on your sale income , an exchange may |
1031 exchange and many benefits . Whether |
be the perfect option . Whether reasons for |
you are looking to 1 ) sell a current investment |
an exchange are focused on entering into |
property to change property type ( i . e . selling |
a new type of property ( from Residential |
two rental houses or an apartment in order |
holdings to Retail , for example |
to purchase commercial |
) or a new location , an exchange has many benefits .
There are many types of property exchanges ; simultaneous , delayed , reversed , built to suit ,
1031 and 1033 exchange . In today ’ s market , specifically in
In today ’ s market , specifically in California , 1031 exchanges are of considerable and growing benefit to many . |
or office buildings , or moving from ownership of raw land to industrial , etc ); 2 ) renewing expiring depreciation value in assets , consolidating investments ; or |
California , 1031 exchanges |
3 ) following the market |
are of considerable and growing benefit to |
to achieve greater appreciation . A 1031 |
many . |
exchange can allow sale and purchase of |
With new state legislation , California |
investment property without the extreme loss of |
property holders face huge tax increases |
capital through taxation . A 1031 exchange |
and therefore a potential reduction in capital |
has many subtypes and to know which is |
with the sale of real estate . The sale of |
right for you is a task for your advisor . In |
property ( ies ) means the seller will see new |
pursuing a 1031 exchange you should make |
charges of up to 20 % Federal Capital |
clear to your financial advisors , any partners , |
Gains tax , 13 % State tax , 25 % depreciation |
your agent and others what your goals are . |
recapture , and 3.8 % Healthcare tax . Do not |
Making intent clear will allow your agent and |
panic ! There are ways to sell and purchase |
advisors to help you transition smoothly to the |
without these massive losses in capital . If you |
new investment and eliminate improper or |
are looking to trade-in your property — to |
unsuitable investment properties . |
purchase a property of another type or in |
As the period of sale and purchase are |
a new location — sale and purchase do not |
standard , there are some simple but important |
have to be strictly separate things , which |
ways an investor can ensure a smooth 1031 |
would trigger taxes due . The answer is 1031 |
exchange . Here again , the most important |
Exchange . |
factor to a successful exchange is to have an |
In an exchange , the selling party is also |
agent who is on point and on board with the |
a buying party and both sale and purchase |
investor ’ s intent . While often times dictating |