Gilroy Today 2012 12 Winter | Page 24

Svalbard Reindeer

Birds chicken-sized bird , that is too large and heavy to migrate away during the winter . It is hard to believe that they are able to overwinter in this harsh environment where the sun sets in late October and doesn ’ t rise again until March . Other must-see birds include the ivory gull , which scavenges tidbits from polar bears , and the one that I most antidipated seeing , the little auk , a tiny penguin-like bird standing only 7-8 inches tall , sports a black tailcoat and white starched shirt with a tiny stout black beak with white eye-shadow .

Overall , the trip was a major success , with most species on our target list seen quite well . I was tumbled about in our little ship , marched over many miles of bleak arctic tundra , sprayed in the face by freezing arctic waters and thrilled by the polar bears and other wildlife , and now I ’ m snuggled up in my Gilroy home left with only the dreams of polar bears that came so close I could smell them , the biting cold and desolate terrain and the amazing birds and sights . I can ’ t wait for my next adventure .
G I L R O Y T O D A Y W I N T E R / H O L I D A Y 2 0 1 2