When using an open fireplace you actually lose about 90 % of your heat up the chimney ! An insert can turn that open fireplace into an efficient and cost effective heat source and turn that 90 % loss into a huge heat gain in your home !
A clean burning Avalon , Fireplace Xtrordinair or Lopi wood , or gas insert can be installed in your existing masonry or metal fireplace and transform it into visually stunning focal point in your home that will save you money on your heating bill .
It ’ s the best of both worlds ! You ’ ll appreciate the added value and your family will appreciate the comfort of a beautiful new fireplace insert .
6205 Engle Way , Unit K , Gilroy CA 95020 408-842-6570 · www . energy-house . com
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10 / 10 / 2011 1:29:08 PM
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