From the Editor
Well , what
J . Chris Mickartz
can I say . Life is good . Here we are in the middle of an economic recession , or maybe at the beginning of a recovery . There are all kinds of opinions out there . What ever it is , I ’ m here to say that it feels like things are turning around . I sure hope so . This is the 20th issue of Gilroy Today . A few months ago , I would not bet that it would be published . But , today , I ’ m happy to report that it ’ s not only in print , but that eight pages have been added .
The beautiful cover is a photo of Fred , a special friend of Al Howard , the Bird Man of Gilroy . Larry and I were especially pleased to have had the opportunity to photograph such amazingly beautiful subjects . I think Larry was in heaven .
The PRO for this issue is extremely special in that he works on the moon — how cool is that ! Rusty Hunt is one of two flight directors for the LCROSS mission to the moon . One of the missions tasks is to determine if there is water on the moon .
I ’ d like to welcome Lloyd Lowrey Jr ., Noland , Hamerly , Etienne & Hoss and Karen Bernoski , Aiken landscapes , as new contributors to Gilroy Today . Lloyd will be covering legal issues so be sure to let him know if you have an issue you are particularly interested in . Karen will be helping us with new and innovative ways to make our outdoor spaces more fun and inviting .
This is an exciting time for public education in Gilroy . With the adoption of the program “ Character Counts ,” local children have the opportunity to develop values in school as well as at home . I was impressed with the concept last spring when Superintendent Debra Flores presented the program to the Gilroy Rotary Club and am happy to hear that it has been adopted district wide .
I ’ m always happy to showcase the great events that take place in this wonderful community . You won ’ t want to miss the Unveiling of the “ Legacy of Gilroy ” Downtown Sculture Project scheduled for October 17th . More information is available on page 31 .