Lobster Feed
Redwood Retreat Grove
June 20 , 2009 Fernwood Cellars
Gilroy ’ s wineries hold events year round for the enjoyment of their wine club members and the community . Information regarding each can be found on their websites or at gilroyvisitor . com .
TOP : Rob Hoffmann and friends make lobsters smile for the camera . BOTTOM ( l-r ) Tiff Oettinger , Tracy Shipman , Linda and Steve Hussar , Lisa and Matt Hussar , Kevin Godden , J . Chris Mickartz and Addie Habit .
Eagle Ridge
Ladies Charity Invitational
Judy Ames , Eagle Ridge Ladies Charity Invitational Golf Tournament Planner , presented proceeds from their June 9th “ Home on the Range ” western-themed Charity Invitational to Rebekah Children ’ s Services Executive Director , Mary Kaye Gerski . Thanks to the hard work of the Eagle Ridge Charity Invitational committee and the generous support of many south bay business owners they were able to donate $ 4,500 to Rebekah Children ’ s Home . From left to right : Janet Larson , Co-Chair , Mary Kaye Gerski , RCS Executive Director , Judy Ames , Charity Invitational Tournament Planner , Eleanor Villarreal RCS Public Relations , and Bonnie Ikemoto , Sponsor Chair .