ice which could have survived the harsh lunar landscape if they landed in shadowed areas . Direct exposure to the sun would quickly evaporate any water or ice .
Rusty took up the new challenges enthusiastically . His new position means long and varied working hours as his team manages various phases of the project including the launch on June 18 , the lunar flyby on June 23 , continues in-flight adjustments , and preparation for lunar impact on October 9 ( which happens to be Rusty ’ s brithday !). More information on this lunar mission is available at www . nasa . gov / lcross or lcross . arc . nasa . gov
Rocket scientists might conjure up images of an uber-geek . Rusty does not fit that image . He is an interesting , articulate man with a fun-loving streak . A few years back while working on an advanced degree at Stanford , Rusty and his saxophone joined the zany Stanford band !
Rusty , wife Tamra and daughter , Claire Emelia , better known as Emma , have a charming home set on a hill in Eagle Ridge . They love the less crowded life style and the fact that , unlike their previous home , people around here are not grouchy all the time . Neighbors seem to like each other !
Tamra , a former model and “ the one ” in the 80 ’ s video of the Romantics song “ One in a Million ” is very proud of her husband . In fact , she is the one who first highlighted Rusty ’ s achievements . Both , Rusty and Tamra , are very excited about their next adventure . Emma will start school soon at Las Animas .
After the lunar impact and after all the data has been categorized and stored , Rusty and Tamra hope to vacation in Hawaii before Rusty puts in some overdue time with the Navy Reserve .
Congratulations to the whole AMES / NASA team on a fascinating mission with major future implications and a special congratulations to Rusty and Tamra for once again reminding us that Gilroy ’ s Got Pros !