Hecker Pass Winery 4605 Hecker Pass Highway 842-8755 heckerpasswinery . com
Kirigin Cellars 11550Watsonville Road 847-8827 kirigincellars . com
Mann Cellars 7475 Crews Road 847-1556 manncellars @ earthlink . com
Martin Ranch Winery 6675 Redwood Retreat Road 842-8197 martinranchwinery . com
Wine club : Yes Tasting Room : Yes Hours : Mon — Sun 10am-5pm
Founded : 1972
““ We are passionate about wine and we are fully family owned . Our vines are sixty years old , estate grown and produced using a dry farming technique , and we have a great new tasting room and event center .”
Mario Fortino Owner
Most Celebrated Wine 2001 Petite Syrah Estate
Future Plans Sixteen great wines : the newest is from 2001 ; while the oldest is from 1999 .
Wine club : Yes Tasting Room : Yes Hours : Mon — Sun 10am-5pm
Founded : 130-year history — from the wild grapes the Spaniards found to the estate wines today .
“ The winery is the only known winery to host soccer and cricket tournaments . It is a huge event center with numerous weddings , sporting events and family gatherings ,”
“ The large barrel shaped tasting room is another unique feature .”
Maria Ohlson Tasting Room Manager
Most Celebrated Wine Vino De Mocca , a combination of port , coffee , chocolate and orange is a unique treat . The Estate Cabernet and Syrah are also getting some attention .
Wine club : No Tasting Room : Not Yet Hours : Call Mike . He will come to you ! |
Founded : 1996
“ We make excellent wines . We use a trellis system that produces big fat mellow estate wines .”
Michael Mann , Chief Grape Officer
Most Celebrated Wine Merlot is a big wine for beef , leg of lamb and chocolate ; the Syrah is big and round and goes with just about everything else .
Future Plans Watch for a tasting room somewhere in Gilroy within the year and the website is under construction . In the mean time , Mann Cellars will host several wine tasting dinners and special events in the next few months .
Wine club : Yes Tasting Room : Yes Hours : 3 rd Saturday 11am-4 : pm Or by appointment M-F 9-55:00
Founded : 1993 growing grapes for others ; 2002 the first Martin Ranch wines .
Dan & Thérèse Martin own and run the winery , which they treat as a chance to share the winemaking experience with friends . Visiting the winery is an opportunity to learn a little about winemaking , to make some great friends and to taste some very good wines .
Most Celebrated Wine Thérèse Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon 2003 Reserve .
Future Plans The 2004 Estate Cabernet is shaping up very well . Watch for a winemaker ’ s dinner at the Winery in August .
Future Plans The 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon Private Reserve will be released soon and is showing great potential . Watch for an announcement for the Fourth of July “ BYO BBQ ” at the winery . |