Gila Seminuda: The Virgin River Adventure May. 2014. | Page 4

floating around and also one some rocks in the water. As they get closer to their destination; Django starts to notice a few zooplankton here and there.

Django says to his friend Jerm, "Lets play a game! Who can get the zooplankton first. Ready. Set. Go!"

The two go racing after the zooplankton as fast as the can possibly swim. They both catch a few and start noticing more and more zooplankton appearing. They both start to get excited like a small child in a candy shop. As they reach their destination both of them stop and look at each other in awe.

Jerm mumbles to Django, "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

"I don't know, I'm not sure if im dreaming or not yet Jerm"

"Lets feast Django!"

The two friends were looking at a whole school of zooplankton and were instantly filled with joy. They both started to go to town on the helpless zooplankton.