Gila Seminuda: The Virgin River Adventure May. 2014. | Page 2

Chapter One: The Adventure Begins

Whether it be in Utah, Arizona, or Nevada, which the Virgin River runs through, you can find variety of different species that inhabits this river. Although the river spans through three states and connects to the Colorado River; our story starts in a portion of the Virgin River in Nevada.

There are many species that you can find while on the Virgin River. For instance, if you were hiking along the river you might find a Yellow-Billed Cuckoo. If youre lucky you might also see the endangered Yuma Clapper Rail flying around. While fishing on the banks of the Virgin you might find yourself catching the native Gila Seminuda, or otherwise called the Virgin Chub. In fact, there is a certain Gila Seminuda thats name is Django whos home is here on the river.

Chapter Two: Django's Home

Django the Gila Seminuda's home resides in specefic areas of the river that cater to his unique lifestyle. Django's freshwater lifestyle restricts him to the mainstream of the Virgin River. He makes his home usually in areas of the water that are not too hot, but around under