Part of success is knowing where you're going. You Fear of failure and fear of success can both stop
might have a vision of where you want to be but you from achieving high-level success. Success
no real understanding of how to get there. means change, setting new goals, and a defined
Without having an idea of your route you may line between before and after. This fear is what
freeze up, instead choosing to stay in a “safe” and prevents your mind from being in the right
known place rather than risk the change that may mindset for success. Sometimes we're even guilty
come with success or the shame of taking yourself of sabotaging ourselves (through procrastination
down a failed pathway. or other means) so that we “prove” our fears right
by not being successful.
If you're not sure about the next step are you sure
you've even taken one? Many people struggle to A fear mindset is one where everything is seen as
even start their journey or get bogged down too risky or too dangerous which means you'll
without realizing how close to the finish they are. never move forwards. Conquering the fear
Imagine you were chipping away at a wall, you've mindset is the hardest thing for many people who
been chipping forever and don't feel like you will are not naturally optimistic or courageous.
ever make it through so you quit. What you didn't
know is that with only 5 more chips you would Part of dreaming about being successful is that it
have made it. How sad. hasn't happened yet. When we imagine things it
can be both good or bad. Those dreams can drive
If you want to be successful then you need a us to achieve further or they can always be just
success mindset and you have to tackle these out of reach so we eventually give up because we
behaviours and more if you want that to happen. never achieve them.
Change can be difficult, it can be hard, but by
changing these behaviours using these simple Welcome to Giftrice Reads Entrepreneurs
ways you can start cultivating the right mindset to Magazine
be successful.