Gibson Grant Style Volume 1 | Page 4

I was recently asked by a friend if I would be willing to look at her résumé.

My friend has been working in a public-sector job for many, many years and hadn’t prepared a résumé in quite some time. She desperately wants to obtain another opportunity as her current position has left her tired and frankly burnt out.

Considering my friend’s situation, I know there are plenty of women who are desiring an opportunity big or greater than the position they are currently in.

Here I’m sharing three tips to move you to the next level in your career.

Tip #1 - Be clear on what you want.

I know this is a hard one! Especially, if you’ve been in a particular job for quite some time. You may know that you want a change but are not sure what change you truly want. Before you start putting your résumé out there, get as clear as you can on what it is you want to do in your next career move. Think about your current strengths, skills and talents. Think about your career goals and desires. Make a list of all the things you think you’d like to do in your next role. Make a list of all the things you won’t do in your next role then narrow down from there until you reach your top three things that you know you’d love to do.

Tip # 2- Go for your dream job with all confidence!

Don’t ever let anyone talk you down from your dream! I don’t care where you’re at in your corporate journey. Now, as a Human Resources professional with over 20 years’ experience I can tell you there is a difference between, “you’re not qualified” vs. “you’re never going to….” The former simply means you may not have all the perquisite skills now but you CAN gain them over time, if that’s what you truly desire. Versus, you’re never going to, for example be a manager. That was exactly what I was told by one of my early career bosses! HA!! Look at me now….but I digress. There is no limit to what you can achieve and what you desire!!! So never get down and discouraged, just because you hear a “no, thank you” doesn’t mean you can’t have what you want. No, is simply a not now. Remember, there’s always something bigger and greater in store for you! I’ve seen it many times in my corporate career and in the career of others. Those who said no, were many times lead by the exact person they denied! Keep your confidence!

Tip #3- Maintain the proper mindset and mental attitude.

Moving into your next bigger and greater role is all about your mindset, knowing with full certainty that you can exceed any goal set before you. That you are fully equipped with everything you need to take you to the next level. And if you don’t have all the skills you need, know that you can learn them as you go along! I heard a male CEO of a large organization say when he obtained his job as CEO he didn’t have the full skills of all he needed to do his job at the time! He learned as he stepped into the role! And, he surrounded himself with smart people to help him achieve success for the organization. Our male counterparts do this all the time! We as strong, intelligent, ambitious and successful women need to do that same, if we aren’t already! Know you CAN do all things set before you with success!

Career & Finance