Ghost Call 2021 Education Kit | Page 3

In today ’ s times , the technology-driven handphone seems to offer greater comfort and warmth than face-to-face relationships . Yet , what drives that comfort is the desire to connect with others – in the virtual and real worlds . Ghost Call weaves together ideas stemming from mobile phones and online platforms , and highlights the different kinds of connections that can be created in our urban life .
In Ghost Call , we hence encounter various kinds of phantoms . Are fabricated personas and engineered behaviours overcompensations for loss connections ? Has our wanting to reach out stifled our ability to listen and empathise ?
The breaks in communication ( intended or otherwise ), fondly called ghosting , is a motif that recurs throughout this piece . The disembodied quasi-authoritative voice we hear , the extremely silent bodies of the dancers that we see and the lurking shadows beneath flickering lights allow us to experience the omnipresence of different “ phantoms ”. Can this visceral involvement allow us to re-think our own unique relationships with others ? Can we offer comfort to fellow humans ?
“ Ghost Call ” is a gentle reminder for us to think about how we ourselves respond when communicating with others .
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