GGB Magazine January 2024 | Page 55


A Voice for All

Brian Blake , Vice President / Global Head of Diversity , Equity and Inclusion , IGT

Some executives make a career working for a single employer . Not Brian Blake . He prides himself on his diversity not only in where he worked but in what industry he worked in . His resume includes stints with the National Hockey League , Turner Broadcasting , JP Morgan Chase , and of late , IGT . It ’ s not that Blake is anxious to move on . “ I ’ m a lifelong learner ,” he says . “ If you stop learning , you stop growing , and if you stop growing , you ’ ll wither away .” Blake takes such advice to heart . “ If I feel too comfortable , I worry about complacency setting in .” The one constant in this approach : DEI — diversity , equity and inclusion . “ I wanted to be part of an organization where DEI is supported up and down the spine of the company . At each place , I came in a time of flux ,” he says . IGT ’ s commitment sold Blake on the company , as did every company executive he met .

They told him in their own words why DEI was important on a personal level . “ That is one of my ‘ tests ,’ and it was the game changer .” IGT had already begun to revamp its culture , but remained in a development stage when Blake joined last March .
Prior to IGT , Blake joined the NHL in 2019 , when the inclusion journey took root . At the NHL , the driving force was understanding that current and future growth comes from being inclusive of all kinds of fans and participants in the game , Blake says .
“ DEI is a business imperative for each respective organization ,” he says . “ A combination of our customers expecting us to be inclusive across the board , and our own understanding that being a best-in-class organization means being an inclusive organization .”
That approach means a better bottom line . “ Inclusive , diverse organizations financially outperform those that are more homogenous ,” Blake says . “ They innovate at higher rates , and the overall employee experience has higher productivity .”
As the vice president and global head of diversity , equity and inclusion at IGT , Blake bears responsibility for embedding DEI .
“ Our philosophy is inclusion first . A strong inclusive culture and equitable people systems allow for long-term growth in diverse populations ,” he says .
Born and raised in Queens , New York to immigrant parents , Blake had the benefit of growing up with all kinds of friends from a wide range of cultures . He learned to see things from another ’ s perspective . “ It was invaluable to me as I made my way in the world ,” says Blake , who relaxes with a good movie , a game and most importantly , his daughters .
JP Morgan Chase was one of the best experiences of Blake ’ s life , 10 years in which he absorbed how complex organizations work , how to manage and leverage constant change . After a decade , he moved on to Turner Broadcasting in 2015 , chalking up another experience .
“ It allowed me the opportunity to learn about a whole new industry with a wide range of personalities and perspectives ,” he says . “ I had the chance to influence and collaborate with executives and others across different networks and platforms .”
Blake tries his best to see obstacles not as stumbling blocks , but as stepping stones . “ It is not always easy to maintain that mentality , but I feel like it keeps me grounded , steers me away from panicking , and allows me to see things with a rational mind , so I end up making better decisions .” — Bill Sokolic

Born Into It

Max Tappeiner , Executive Vice President , Operations , Wynn Resorts


or Max Tappeiner , hospitality wasn ’ t a career choice , it was a lifestyle . With parents who were hotel executives , Tappeiner explains that he and his brother were part of their parents ’ careers . His father , he says , was the de facto general manager of the Four Seasons hotel in Munich , Germany .
“ My brother and I grew up in the industry ,” he says . “ On New Year ’ s Eve , we ’ d be celebrating with the guests . In those days being a GM of a hotel meant you were the face and part of the fabric of the building .”
So it was natural that Tappeiner progressed in the business , enrolling in a hospitality college in Berlin .
“ After I graduated , I got to experience stewarding breakfast , kitchen , housekeeping , and all the departments that make a building work . It allowed me to gain a real appreciation for what it takes to run a business .”
He joined Mandarin Oriental and worked for that company for 13 years , opening properties in London , New York and Washington , D . C . before coming to Las Vegas to open the property in the City- Center complex . In 2015 , he joined his first gaming company , Las Vegas Sands , which meant going from managing 400 rooms to the 7,100 at the Venetian / Palazzo .
“ That was a huge leap ,” he says . “ And I ’ m very grateful for that opportunity because it got me into this world of gaming . It exposed me to a non-gaming environment , with 30-plus restaurants , multiple hotel towers , and massive capital projects .”
28 Global Gaming Business JANUARY 2024