As the regulated market has been launched , it is key that only those that desire to act responsibly and have been found suitable are licensed . All bad actors need to be removed that are conducting nefarious activities . The government of Brazil has taken extraordinary steps to do so at the end of 2024 .
Brazilian legislators are scheduled to vote on casinos in the various states , including in Manaus , in the country ’ s largest state Amazonas
• Messaging and restrictions on players that must be 18-plus .
• Responsible gaming measures to protect players through a series of tools and messages to allow evaluation by players of their existing play including limits and timeout periods .
• Advertising requirements for operators in numerous ways including restrictions on certain verbiage such as free bets or other measures by which to attract players to the market .
• Restrictions on who can participate in sports betting including players , officials and coaches , among others that may have additional knowledge or insight into a contest .
• Rights of the bettor and rights of the operator .
Additionally , the country will look at how best to address problem gambling measures . This will bring together several different ministries that will form the working group on mental health , prevention , and reduction of harm from problem gambling . The goal is to have a report back in the next couple of months to address the upcoming market .
The working group will be composed of representatives from the Ministries of Sport , Finance and Health , and the Secretariat of Social Communication , per the release in mid-December . This group will develop some of the key measures not only for sports betting and iGaming but likely lead to potential standards to consider for land-based gaming that may follow in 2025 .
Will Brazil ’ s Land-Based Market Follow ?
Land-based gaming has always been a driver toward the legalization of gaming in the Brazil market . This was well before the burgeoning sports betting and iGaming market became a twinkle in the eye of the government .
However , decades have continued to pass while the legislative and executive branches of Brazil decide on the best way to legalize and regulate casinos , bingo halls and horse racing , among other things . This continues to be the challenge facing the legislative body that has continued to go back and forth over what a land-based model will look like between the various forms of gaming , number of locations , and existing stakeholders .
The legislation that is currently being debated passed the House of Deputies earlier in 2024 on a 14-12 vote out of the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship Commission . It was thought that the Senate would come to consensus after this had occurred .
It was originally supposed to happen in the fall of 2024 . However , the issue has delayed twice , once in October and then again in December . Many of the challenges that continue to plague the process include the problem gambling issue , money laundering , and the black market that exists throughout the country .
With the advent of the sports betting and iGaming market , this may help
As the regulated market has been launched , it is key that only those that desire to act responsibly and have been found suitable are licensed . All bad actors need to be removed that are conducting nefarious activities . The government of Brazil has taken extraordinary steps to do so at the end of 2024 .
advance the land-based market further because of the reality that regulation can bring to the process . Under the current proposal , a land-based model would consider the following :
Casinos – As we have seen with Singapore and the United Arab Emirates , the intention is for these integrated resorts to drive tourism . This would include resorts , gaming facilities , and other amenities . Each state would be limited to one facility with the exception of larger states that have a higher population , which would be allowed multiple sites .
Bingo – As one of the main drivers of the current land-based landscape , bingo parlors would allow one establishment for every 150,000 people in each jurisdiction . This would include card , electronic and video bingo games .
Horse Racing – These facilities will also have some oversight from the Ministry of Agriculture , as these facilities must be accredited . These facilities will be allowed to have bingo and video bingo games as well as horse racing . It is thought that the Senate will take up this issue again in early 2025 with the hope of passage . This is after additional context will be provided on the issue of problem gambling as well as further discussions on how a full land-based model will work .
They will additionally have the context of a regulated market , while still in its infancy , and how that can be an overall benefit to the country . However , any major changes to the bill would further delay it , as changes would need to go back to the other house for another vote .
As with all legislative matters , the secret is in how the sausage is made , and sometimes , it ’ s difficult to do . Brazil is at a point though that it needs to find a way to regulate the market because of all of the issues that surround the illegal market .
End of the Monopoly ?
Another South American country may be trying to change the dynamics of its current gaming market . Paraguay , at the end of 2024 , started to make overtures to ending the market ’ s monopoly and reform the current gaming market . In late 2024 , the executive branch presented a bill to end the cur-
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