GGB Magazine February 2024 | Page 58


Head in the Cloud

Redefining casino security and surveillance in the AI era

By Earle G . Hall

In our ever-evolving and accelerating technology-driven world , the global casino industry is being hailed as an easy target for cybersecurity-based criminal activity . Whether the threat is virtual or inside the walls of the building , security and surveillance are being challenged like never before .

The casino industry has historically been an easy target for a multitude of fraudulent schemes , necessitating the implementation of rigorous procedures and protocols to counteract conventional intrusion threats . Brilliant individuals have created a robust casino industry security and surveillance practice that has stood the test of time — until the arrival of AI , that is . The rise of artificial intelligence ( AI ) has created a new era of challenges that demand our attention so we can effectively evolve casino security and surveillance to adapt to this new emerging reality .
Today , we find ourselves in an era where everyone ’ s smartphone can potentially become a tool for intrusion , highlighting the need for proactive measures to counter this evolving threat landscape . The escalating prevalence of cyber threats , coupled with AI ’ s ability to explore innovative avenues for exploitation , has made the security landscape exceedingly complex and unpredictable .
The convergence of these two influential trends necessitates the development of fresh and inventive strategies to not only detect and deter threats but also to safeguard both physical and digital assets . In this context , we explore the imperative need for redefining casino security and surveillance practices , embracing the power of AI while remaining vigilant against its potential misuse .
Combating Cyberattacks : A New Urgency
Our industry , much like every other , is in a data race . The data race seeks to achieve a clear portrait of customers , needs , cost , investment , and loyalty and engagement strategies . It cannot be understated that data is the new gold .
The pandemic accelerated the shift to digital platforms , and there is a complex mix of on-premise and virtual platforms making for labyrinthine information , technology and product strategy . This is increasingly exposing vulnerabilities in traditional cybersecurity frameworks . As casino operations increasingly depend on digital technology , the importance of robust cyber defenses has never been greater .
The rise in cyberattacks over the past few years has been alarming . A notable example is the MGM cyberattack , which served as a wake-up call for the industry . While we will never get all the details of this very regrettable incident , the complex mix of humans , isolated and fractioned technologies and systems as well as online and offline segregation of procedures and surveillance created a catastrophic path of vulnerability .
It ’ s estimated that the global cost of cybercrime is accelerating and reaching unprecedented levels every month . Cyberattacks are not just a security concern but also a financial one . With billions of dollars at stake , casinos increasingly face potential lost revenue , legal actions and increased insurance costs due to cybersecurity breaches .
The Shift to Cloud-Based Security Solutions
Our industry was built on incredibly talented and dedicated humans that spent countless hours developing procedures and practices to keep our casino floors safe from fraud , theft and violence , just to name a few . The humans bridged many technology and system gaps , and security professionals “ stuck together ” to protect an area , region or “ strip ” from waves of crime .
With the sharp increase in invisible threats , the proven traditional methodologies have to shift to integrate best practices and collaboration
30 Global Gaming Business FEBRUARY 2024