GGB Magazine February 2024 | Page 55

robbed when in reality , they may have gambled away the rent money . In those instances , the property is unaware of the reported violent crime unless that security law enforcement liaison reports to the security director .
Security Officers
Although there are very few criminology studies that demonstrate that uniformed security presence actually deters crime in general , the perception is generally accepted that patrolling or posted uniformed security makes people feel comfortable and does deter some crime . This concept has been around for centuries , and can be best illustrated in medieval times when a wealthy landowner would build a castle and man it with a guard ( sentry ) with a weapon of the day , standing at the entrance to keep marauders and criminals away .
Although manpower is by far the biggest expense in any security program , frequently patrolling security officers do have a positive impact on customers and do help deter criminal activity overall . We are informed that most casino security departments are operating between 5 percent and 20 percent below approved staffing levels due to an inability to recruit qualified applicants . This condition creates challenges for the contemporary security director and requires creative solutions .
Those security officers patrolling should be trained in what to look for , but more importantly to acknowledge the legitimate users of the environment ( casino customers ). Security patrol is a form of guest protection , and security personnel should be trained in the process . It is not all common sense .
This is done with a smile , a look , a thumb ’ s up or just some form of verbal or nonverbal communication that security is on the job as they patrol . Making eye contact with customers makes them aware you are there and doing your job . This age-old public relations tool will go far in the property security saturation and presence ( footprint ) as seen by your customers , other employees and the bad guys .
At the same time , identifying those who do not have a legitimate business purpose of being in the casino or parking area can be identified through the IOU Process ( Identify , Observe , Understand ). Coined by casino security consultant Derk Boss , this process allows the security officer to identify the person that appears out of place , is not gambling , or is acting unusual or suspiciously , and understand the circumstances .
With observation , the security officer can then assure that the person is not a legitimate customer by their actions and determine if contact is warranted . Although this takes practice , if the security officer stops , folds their arms and looks directly at the person for at least 5 seconds , that person will be well aware that security has noticed them and in many cases they will
The perception is generally accepted that patrolling or posted uniformed security makes people feel comfortable and does deter some crime .
leave . Again , increasing the security posture overall . In other circumstances , an ID request may be in order . As any experienced casino security officer knows , those suspicious persons rarely have an ID and can be immediately requested to leave .
Targeted Security Patrol
Creative security directors have also increased the security footprint without adding personnel through creative management techniques such as “ Target Area Security .” This concept takes security tasks and functions and adds an additional layer of security patrol by identifying areas that would benefit from increased security presence . Logging the time of patrols in the dispatch record will show the frequency of this guest protection measure and determine the last time an area was patrolled for future information .
A simple example is to identify a location at the beginning of each security shift . Then require all casino security officers to specifically patrol a slot area , bar , or other location on the way to or from other tasks such as when returning from a table fill , when returning from break , during staff rotations , or other times . This concept floods an area with uniformed security without adding staff and expense , and accomplishes an immediate elevated presence . The next oncoming shift can continue in that area or start a targeted patrol in another .
Restrooms are a good location where targeted security patrol is effective . Monitoring for illegal use of drugs and sex may just help prevent a violent crime from occurring . Restrooms are a location where violent crimes occur such as robbery , aggravated assault and rape , primarily because there are no surveillance cameras in restrooms by law based on the expectation of privacy .
More and more security departments are moving to armed security positions from unarmed . This is an arduous and comprehensive process as it relates to training , background checks , equipment requirements and periodic range qualification , and can affect insurance premiums . Many casino properties are concerned that with the steady increase in active shooter incidents , it is a reasonable step to train and arm at least certain security personnel to assist in responding to one of those horrific events . Yet other larger gaming companies have found success in deploying an armed emergency response team that is armed similar to police .
Security officials should take the time to obtain violent crime data from local police and design countermeasures if there are any crime trends , spikes or repeat locations . Track any violent crimes collectively with your security management team and strategically implement some form of targeted security patrol as an additional safety and security layer on your property .
Alan W . Zajic , CPP , CSP , is an independent security consultant specializing in gaming environments .
28 Global Gaming Business FEBRUARY 2024