GGB Magazine February 2024 | Page 48

fraud . And it would send a deterrent message to employees that the chances of successfully committing fraud and getting away with it are low . The fraud team ’ s authority and presence would be seen as an ever-present caution to employees considering fraud .
The fraud team ’ s mission would be to deter , reduce the risk and investigate internal fraud . Priority would be given to proactive deterrence and risk reduction . This can be achieved by reducing the opportunity for fraud and developing checks and balances for people with higher capabilities of committing fraud .
A key to success is providing fraud training and awareness to all staff , both during onboarding and ongoing . For example , all staff will be given social engineering training along with the latest methods hackers are using to get employees to help them infiltrate internal systems . Customized fraud recognition and protection training would be conducted by the team for all employees who are responsible for detecting fraud , i . e ., dealers , supervisors and managers . The fraud team would be responsible for conducting internal policy , process and procedure risk assessments with the objective of recommending improvements and suggestions based on the latest and best industry practices .
They will conduct fraud research and present their findings to senior executives and department heads .
The fraud team would work with law enforcement agencies and other casinos to obtain the latest intel on casino-specific fraud and scams . They will work with internal departments like security , surveillance and revenue audit to conduct investigations . The fraud team would set up a whistleblower hotline . Intel and tips would be investigated and acted on immediately .
Above all else the fraud team will be proactive in staying informed on the latest threats to casinos , especially those involving technology . The fraud team will report any new threats to senior management and give regular presentations and updates on best practices against fraud in the casino industry .
The ultimate goal of the casino fraud team — ensuring 100 percent of employees are assets to the business and 0 percent are liabilities .
Willy Allison is the founder and managing director of the World Game Protection Conference in Las Vegas . He started in the casino business in 1987 and has worked in surveillance management , consulted for major casino organizations and conducted game protection training seminars around the world .
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