GGB Magazine February 2024 | Page 19

While the illegal gambling industry robs states of $ 13.3 billion in taxes each year , AGA research shows the legal market generates $ 52.7 billion in tax revenue and supports 1.8 million jobs nationwide .

Maintaining Momentum

Gaming ’ s success remains predicated on responsibility and supporting communities

At the start of the new year , it ’ s important to take inventory of where we ’ ve been and how we can build on it .

We are coming off another remarkable year for our industry . In 2023 , we once again upped our commitments to responsible gambling , we made our most significant strides against the illegal market to date , and we expanded legal gaming markets in 10 states . All the while , we climbed toward an anticipated third-straight record revenue year .
Along with our ability to offer customers innovative entertainment experiences , maintaining our momentum into 2024 will require working together to strengthen these pillars .
Bolstering Responsible Gaming While we ’ ve seen robust and meaningful industry collaboration around responsible gambling in recent years , too often our efforts fall short of their full potential by remaining siloed between organizations . In 2024 , we must double down on uniting to address critical questions , such as :
• How can we allocate our collective RG resources to multiply their impact ?
• How can we strengthen our commitments to responsibility in advertising ?
• How can we leverage emerging technologies to enhance player tools and resources ?
Whether our successful effort to streamline helpline access or raising responsible sports betting advertising standards , we have proven that we are better when we work together on responsible gambling . 2024 will be no different , and will require everyone in the ecosystem to raise the bar .
Combating the Illegal Market Responsible leadership goes beyond responsible gambling — it requires a holistic commitment to consumer safety , including combating the dangerous and pervasive illegal gambling market . 2024 will be a pivotal year for this effort .
At the state level , we will build on our strong foundation to partner with policymakers , law enforcement and regulators to advance state bans on “ skill ” games , seizures of unregulated machines , and regulatory action against faux fantasy operators .

While the illegal gambling industry robs states of $ 13.3 billion in taxes each year , AGA research shows the legal market generates $ 52.7 billion in tax revenue and supports 1.8 million jobs nationwide .

At the federal level , more than a decade ago , Black Friday proved the U . S . government has the power to shut down illegal gambling sites , seize their assets , and make arrests . For me , it ’ s a question of when , not if , the federal government will take similar action against today ’ s offshore sportsbooks and online casinos .
Highlighting Gaming ’ s Impact While the illegal gambling industry robs states of $ 13.3 billion in taxes each year , AGA research shows the legal market generates $ 52.7 billion in tax revenue and supports 1.8 million jobs nationwide .
And these contributions go beyond the numbers : our tax and charitable contributions fund K-12 education and after-school programs ; they make critical infrastructure projects possible ; they support lifesaving health care services ; and they provide an economic backbone for many communities that have been overlooked .
In 2024 , we will undoubtedly maintain and strengthen our support for our communities . But as our industry experiences mounting scrutiny , we must continue to tell our story . It ’ s the reason we ’ ve been accepted as community partners in 45 states and D . C . and it ’ s the reason we will continue earn support from Americans across the country .
Today , AGA research shows an overwhelming 71 percent of American adults believe gaming benefits the U . S . economy . Continuing to grow this number will take the entire industry speaking with one voice to communicate our impact to policymakers , regulators , media and the public .
As the convener of the U . S . gaming industry , the AGA is ready to bring our members and the broader industry together to lead it forward — and I ’ m eager to see all we will collectively accomplish in a year full of such potential . Here ’ s to a successful 2024 !
Bill Miller is president and CEO of the American Gaming Association .
10 Global Gaming Business FEBRUARY 2024