GFD Annual Report 2017 GFD Annual Report 2017 | Page 9

GRAPEVINE FIRE DEPARTMENT Annual Report 2017 Employee Demographics The Grapevine Fire Department is authorized 105 full time positions. There are 101 sworn positions and 4 civilian positions authorized in the Fire Department budget. Overall demographic data indicates a stable and satisfied work force that is growing increasingly younger as long-term employees retire. Sworn staff tenure indicates one third of the department with five or less years of service. Additionally, over half of the fire department members are less than 40 years of age. The trend towards a younger workforce will continue for the foreseeable future. Sworn Staff Tenure Sworn Staff Age 5 years or less 33 20-29 19 6 to 15 years 36 30-39 35 16 to 25 years 23 40-49 29 26 to 30 years 3 50-59 16 31 years or more 1 60 + 0 From October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017, 4 members have retired. There have been 3 new members hired. Over the next few years, several retirements can be anticipated, which will result in a younger and less experienced workforce. The continued and future focus on training, education, career development and succession planning are imperative to maintain an effective workforce. Annual Report 2017 Page 9 of 23