Getting The Most From Google - A Guide For Small Business Owners Getting The Most From Google | Page 14

Costs and benefits for Small-Medium Sized Businesses

Indicative Costs Benefits / ROI
Google AdWords
$ 5 per day ( minimun recommended )
Google My Business
Tangible : - Possible sales increase - 100 % controlled budget ( cost spend ) - Increased leads
Intangible : - Increased brand awareness - Increased click through rates
Free Tangible : - Free tool to get into organic search results on Google - Tool that increase integration and efficiency of various Google products - Increased leads via Google search
Intangible : - Increased brand awareness being in the top of Google ’ s organic search - Increased click through ratest
Google Plus
Free Tangible : - Possible sales increase
Intangible : - Increased brand awareness - Increased social ROI + impressions + reach + post likes + page likes + shares + comments + frequency + click through rates
Google Plus
$ 150,00 / year Tangible : - 100 % controlled budget ( cost spend ) - Saved costs on market analysis ( target market behaviour )
Intangible : -Increased consumer knowledge
Google AdSense
free / earn between 51-68 % of the revenue estimated my Google
Tangible : - Increased income
Intangible : -Increased brand awareness