Hire Better
Jim Jubelirer is a seasoned executive, coach, and public speaker. Jim’s
mission is to help leaders improve their business performance and
personal satisfaction. Jim speaks to a wide variety of audiences about
leadership and business excellence and motivates people to achieve
Breakthrough Results. He has designed and delivered custom training
programs, and has delivered speeches, conference presentations, and/
or executive seminars to over 6,000 people from over 40 countries.
ay Russo, co-author of Winning
Decisions, a book for managers
on the behavioral aspects of
decision-making, taught one
of my favorite classes at the
Johnson School of Business at Cornell
about behavioral science. Behavioral
science is a relatively new academic
discipline that combines psychology,
economics, and neuroscience. Many
experiments have shown that when
experts are asked questions in the field
of their expertise, and then novices
are asked those same questions, the
novices perform surprisingly well while
the experts consistently overestimate the
confidence they have in the accuracy of
their answers. When it comes to recruiting, hiring,
and onboarding new employees, less-
than-stellar outcomes can cost your
organization big money.
Weak applicants
It turns out that experts aren’t as expert
as they think they are! Why is this
important? This overconfidence is a bias
all humans have. It affects our decision
making, and if we’re not careful, we
end up with less-than-stellar outcomes. •
Inadequate information
about the candidates
FALL 2017
I work with middle market ($4M - $200M)
companies who are growing and hiring.
Those companies consistently spend
too little time, money and attention on
the hiring process. Common flaws in the
hiring process include:
Fudged resumes
Faked interview responses
Lack of verifiability
Insufficient time for proper
vetting and interviewing
Superficial interviews that lack
the essential questions
Reference checks that are
practically useless
According to surveys from Gallup, 70
percent of the American workforce is
disengaged, 20 percent of which is
actively disengaged. Young people,
who make up a disproportionate
share of the service economy, are
more disengaged than older workers.
Companies may invest millions of dollars
in sophisticated information systems,
yet they don’t apply that same degree
of sophistication in creating a work
culture that breeds engagement. All too
often, people accept a position because
of an appealing job and company but
leave because of their boss’s poor
management skills.
In my workshop “Why You Suck at
Hiring—and What You Can Do About It!”,
I describe the degree to which people’s
unconscious biases lead them to make
bad decisions. Those biases can