Dear reader,
First of all, let me tell you something; escape, escape as fast as you can. If there is something I regret in my eighteen years of life inhabiting this world is that I escaped too late, although I successfully did it. I was able to leave my comfort zone and go into the wilderness of my instincts. What I discovered after this getaway was wonderful because I
found who I truly was.
I urge all of you to break out, run away, and disappear because it will be in this adventure where you will able to discover yourself and write the most amazing pieces. Let me warn you of something, as the reader, you might get confused, shocked, amazed, and even disagree with what you are about to read, but this is my journey, my process
of finding out who I am as a writer.
All the pieces you are about to read have a personal story behind them. They narrate my adventures through life, portraying my views and my feelings. As I traveled, escaping from life and reality, all my pieces followed me. They started as shitty first drafts, passing through several revision checkpoints, vanishing from the existence where they developed and grew into the most impressive masterpieces of all time. At the same time, I was finding
out who I was and what I was meant to be.
I want to invite you, to hold my hand and jump to the outside, the outside where we are unknown and where we start to know ourselves. At the end of the day, it is always those, who are able to triumphantly accomplish their getaway that are successful not only in writing but also in life.
Marion Huato Hernández