Getaway: Final Portfolio Getaway | Page 15


And You Know What? is a poem that sums up all my pieces written this school year and explains to the reader my own personal definition of what is is to be creative. The genesis of this piece came at the end of the quarter. I wanted to show my teacher what I think it is to be creative and I also hoped to inspire others to believe that what they write doesn’t have to be creative for others because the only thing that matters if what one believes. In other words, I wanted to justify in a poem why all the pieces I have written are original and inventive. This piece didn’t receive peer feedback, still, many changes made during the writing process affected the final version. For example, at first I wanted the piece to be a conversation between my teacher and me, which would have been more personal, but I decided to transform the dialogue into a poem, so I could show others what I felt. In general, the piece satisfied my expectations, however, I think it could have been better. I feel like more examples and elements could be added to improve it. A strength found in the poem is the fact that even though it is simple, it still transmits the strong message to the reader, this can be seen in the following verses, “And you know what?/ I am creative.” A specific weakness of this piece is the lack of literary devices. An area for further improvement could be the addition of literary resources such as alliterations, metaphors,

similes, etc. that can enrich the poem.

AnD You Know What? ....................... Q4/Poetry