How Can Video Pal Agency License Help You In Your Business ?
Video Pal Agency License by Todd Gross and Paul Ponna Reviews
Product Funnel Front End : Video Pal OTO # 1 : Video Pal Profits Campus OTO # 2 : Video Pal Deluxe Traffic Suite OTO # 3 : Video Pal Commercial License
How Can Video Pal Agency License Help You In Your Business ?
-If you ' re an internet marketer Add VideoPal to your blogs , websites and affiliate landing pages . You ' ll instantly boost sales and lead signups ! Example : Use VideoPal to offer visitors a cool free ebook or digital product giveaway to get them on your list . You ' ll get higher opt-in rates - with no additional effort or advertising expense !
-If you ' re an offline consultant You can offer VideoPal to your business clients for a set monthly fee . Create and install a powerful avatar on your client ' s website in less than an hour , then get paid every month with no additional overhead or expense ! ( Our bonus case studies will show you exactly how it ' s done !)
-If you ' re a social media marketer Use VideoPal to leverage content on other sites that have good viral or social traction , such as BuzzFeed , Upworthy or Mashable using your VideoPal proprietary live-link technology ! - Your avatar will appear on the content ' s page and interact with each person who clicks via your link . Invite them to join your list , click through to your site or whatever else you want them to do , with no need to create your own content !