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Introduction It really doesn't matter what you read or where you look, herpes is an increasing problem & you’re really not alone, although it might feel that way. I guess it's fair to say that the large number of reported cases of people suffering with herpes may be as a direct result of the condition being one of embarrassment and because it is notoriously hard to treat. I'm sure you have been told or read that you can't be cured of the herpes virus. And if you only treated herpes with prescribed medication that would be true, you see almost everything your doctor prescribes for your condition is symptomatic which means that you will only ever be treating the symptoms and not the virus which cause the outbreaks. You will find this publication to be a very different look at, and approach to treating herpes. Although I will stop at proclaiming the methods in this publication as a cure for herpes (as that would be deemed as being illegal) I will say that "U H Protocol" is a very REAL procedure for quickly clearing up the rash (symptoms) as well as eventually killing the virus. So let's quickly talk about the statistics surrounding herpes. You don't really need to dwell on or even read this part if you don't want to. The only reason I'm including them is purely to state a point, which is?: That you are not alone, in fact if you look at the numbers your pretty average really.