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At first, they appear to be small, red bumps; they later develop into painful
open lesions. The tiny sores or blisters will typically last 10-14 days in initial
outbreaks and 2-5 days in recurring outbreaks.
The sores will eventually crust over and then finally disappear. Herpes sores
generally do not leave a scar. Other genital herpes symptoms that occur with
the first outbreak and in a small percentage of recurring outbreaks are painful
urination, vaginal discharge, swollen groin glands, headaches, fever, and
muscle aches.
Herpes Simplex Diet
Before I head in to this next chapter I would just like to point out that Ultimate
Herpes Protocol is not diet based. Having said that I believe it is best to arm
you with every piece of ammunition I have available, so here goes.
The following lists of foods which are either good, bad or somewhere in
between if you suffer with herpes are not unique to this publication and are
considered common advice.
A diet that avoids argentine-rich foods while promoting lysine-rich foods has
been proven to be quite effective in reducing herpes outbreaks.