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cannot be passed to another person (Shedding). Herpes may be contagious at any time even without visible signs of an outbreak (estimated at 1-5% of the time). This is symptom is called ―viral shedding. Many Doctors still believe and offer advice along the lines of “ You can’t infect anyone with herpes if you are not showing symptoms” (outbreak), This information is wrong, you can pass on herpes at any time, outbreak or not. A herpes outbreak normally starts with one or a few small blisters. Without treatment, the herpes blisters generally last several days and then form scabs which often turn black indicating the end of the outbreak. Once the blisters have gone the skin will often look a slightly different colour for a while. Herpes blisters (symptoms) can be treated with topical treatments to some degree, however the virus will remain & most of these so called topical treatments are little more than an expensive waste of time. I'll explain how to get rid of herpes blisters quickly, safely & cheaply in just a while. Forget about all of those expensive herpes relief products.