GET THE LOOK Magazine | Page 18

News of the Day!

ralph Lauren Promotes Founder's Son To Help Make Brand Hip Again.

David Lauren, son of fashion designer Ralph Lauren, has been promoted to chief innovation and vice chairman of the company his father founded almost 50 years ago.

News of the Day!

Macy'sFlagship Store in New York Debuts Apple Shop.

The new Apple shop is on the main floor of Macy's Herald Square, in the heart of the busy cosmetics and fragrance area.

“Macy's launched an Apple shop Friday at its Herald Square store, the first US department store with a hub devoted to the brand. The shop features a range of products including iPhones, iPads, MacBooks, and the new Nike-branded Apple watch. Staffed by Apple associates, it is on the main floor in the heart of the busy cosmetics and fragrance area.”