Although integration and non-integration are very different there are many similarities. Such as the fact that both integration and non-integration is the way a company manages to gather, produce and dispatch their products in the cheapest and most efficient way that is also the most sustainable and most reliable for the individual company.
Integration is where the company for example Topshop is able to purchase and deliver all the products from one specific place minimising space for error in transit. It also makes it easier for the company to get all products belonging to the company to be manufactured and delivered to the desired location whether that is in store or at the consumers address or even a supplier.
Non-integration is the opposite of integration it is usually used by smaller more independent company eg a local boutique. The company gathers all the things needed such as materials, clothing components and delivery processes from many different places. Making it a lot harder than an integrated supply chain but cheaper for the individual company. An example of this would be buying and/or collecting materials abroad from countries in South Asia or Turkey. Producing/manufacturing the product in china and then having the final product delivered to the supplier ready for them to sell the product worldwide.