During this project, i came arcoss a few challenging situatons where time was crutcial. I have to carry out secondary and primary research, for both my sketchbook and joomag. All information hadto be stored in the joomag, as well as research i found had to be placed in my research folder. Finding research was not at all hard, however it did take up quite a lot of my time.
Joomag itself was quite tricky to work with. This is where i spent most of my time, trying to figure out how to use all of the tools and edit all pages. I found Youtube videos quite useful, as there was clear step by step instructions on how to do specific things on joomag. Therefore, i gained more knowledge on how to operate on this website. If i was to do this project again, it would definately take up less time as now i know how to do mostly everything!
Whilst visiting the V&A, my group created a video. This video had to be edited, then presented to the entire class. Our group was the largest, however we created a video containing all era's instead of just 3. Therfore, i don't want to feel like being in a big group was a disadvantage. creating the video was fun, as many of the cips used were produced by myself and my group. If i was to do this again, i would use more of my own footage as all of it wasn't ours.
The sketchbook was the most enjoyable part of the project, i never got bored of doing it. I tried to be as creative as possible, buti found era's 1980,1990's and 2000's hard to work with. I didn't have many ideas on how to make those pages extremely creative. The research folder on the other hand was very easy to follow, i only had to carry out research. I found many ideas of how to present my magazine pages, which are placed in my research folder.
Overall, i still need to improve my time management skills by using the smart target sheet. It is very useful, however i di keep on forgetting to include a weekly goal. Therefore next time i need to ensure i have this completed for the next project. Also, i need to be more organsied as i lost a few of my notes from lessons which i then had to find on moodle again. Joomag in the end was easy to work with, the resarch folder was easy and the sketchbook did take a long time ro complete.