Get the look Get The Look Fashion Magazine | Page 31








Forced Labour:

Topshop disagree with any signs of forced labour. Workers shall be allowed to leave the factor at all times and have freedom within the factory. Their products are made in decent working conditions for employees to enjoy.

Child Labour:

It is believed in the Topshop business that the minimum age of employment is 15. They provide support to enable children to attend and remain in education until they are no lonnger a child. Workers under 18 are no exposed in or outside of the workplace to anything that would jeopardies their health and safety.


Topshop belive that all workers should be able to join a trade union of their own choice. They should also be able to make their own choices, be recognized and respected. They also belive that there should be no such worker that is discriminated, harassed or intimidated for any reason.


The brand Topshop state that they would never make a decision based on a person due to their race, colour, sex etc.. They make it very clear how women and men shall recieve equal value.


It is very much belived that workers should have the right to a living wage. Wages and benefits paid for a standard working week shall always comply with the laws and regulations that need to be met. Wages and other benefits are always paid on a regular and timely basis for all employees.

Working hours:

Topshop comply with the laws and standards on working hours. The regular workweek shall not exceed 48 hours. Workers shall be provided with at least one day off after 6 days and should get the public annual holidays off. Breaks are required throughout the day for every employee.


Every worker should be treated with dignity and respect. Topshop do not tolerate the use of corporal punishment, threats of physical abuse, unusual punishment or discipline, sexual or any other sign of harassment. There will be serious discipline if this is seen to be done.