Integrated and non-integrated supply chain efficiency
everything is about integration within supply chain management. Non integrated companies have a disconnected flow of products and information, they have limited ability to react to customer requests and they have unpredictable product delivery rates. As well as this they have limited visibility on shipment information and the performance is based on functional activities. Integrated supply chains is a more commonly used method of the supply chain system. This is obviously because retailers have connected flows of products and information. They have the full ability to react to customer requests and they have predictable delivery rates. Retailers with Integrated supply chains have visability on shipment information and parcel tracking.
It would be more helpful for retailers to have Integrated supply chain because the retailers' customers would not complain at all about late shipping, limited information and no tracking. The retailers would know exactly how long the product will take to get to the consumer and there would be no complaints. This would make the retailer a high standard.
I think all retailers should have Integrated supply chain because it is more efficient than having Non-integrated supply chain. The overall opinion of retailers' shipment woud be at an overall high standard.
Although a lot of retailers do have Integrated supply chain I think all retailers should. Retailers like Topshop, River island and Asos all have shipment informationa and tells you exactly how long till products will be dispatched and delivered.