Only YOU can protect yourself .
I hope this also leaves you skeptical about whose side your doctor is really on and to seriously think about taking your health into your own hands ( which you ' re already doing by reading this book ).
As a bare minimum , to avoid being damaged by this system , you must educate yourself . You must be prepared to get more than one opinion . Then , when you ’ ve found the doctor ( or homeopath or naturopath ) that you trust , you must be prepared to co-doctor with him or her throughout your treatment . Better yet , get the knowledge you need and heal yourself .
This book is designed to end blind faith and trust in our system of “ treatment ” and arm you with the power to search beyond it and heal yourself . Faith is fine , if it derives from the power of knowledge .
You Have The Power -- Use It
We ’ re going to arm you with information -- from books , the Internet , newsletters , magazines and any other source . You will be able to take charge of your health . We are hoping you will not be satisfied with treating symptoms . You will want to treat causes .
But before you can treat causes , you need to understand them .
The truth is drug companies have become the largest sponsors of medical research . They are selling a product .
The bottom line is the drug companies aren ’ t going to protect you . The government won ’ t protect you .
The American Medical Association won ’ t protect you ( or any other corrupt medical organization or association for that matter ).
And it is highly unlikely that your physician can protect you either -- even a wellmeaning one -- when he or she is operating within a system that has become RIGGED for Big Pharma profit .
Only YOU can protect yourself .
www . theictm . org
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